I bought my first trench coat at Jacqui E. It cost more than I'd probably ever spent on an item of clothing at the time. The first time I wore it was the first night of the Toowoomba Eisteddfod 2008, Music Theatre night. It was perfect for covering up my Yentl costume, a long, brown dress with a white, tie-on collar that my Mum made for me (I'm so lucky to have a Mum who was happy to continue to make my ballet and singing costumes up until the age of 28). I took off my black trench coat and knelt on the stage, holding a white tablecloth above my head.
"God, our heavenly Father,
I'm wrapped in a robe of light,
Clothed in your glory,
That spreads its wings over my soul,
May I be worthy"
I said with deep solemnity and devout resolution, my eyes looking skyward.
Good memories, for me at least. Not sure about the audience. I still wear this trench coat.
I followed this up with a red trench coat when I moved to Melbourne and finally had enough money to buy it. Felt fabulous wearing it with red shoes. The next one is one of my favourite things. I have worn my grey, checked jacket to death. It never gets dirty and it never creases. The other day I found some stitching coming undone, a tragedy. Now I also have a special one just for going to the theatre. It's a little bit shiny with a collar that curves around the back of my neck, framing my face. This one is the prettiest one. It's beautiful.
Despite my love of trench coats, I have become famous at work for another item of clothing, the cardigan. People talk about my cardigans. Someone said the other day that I wear a cardigan every single day. It's probably true too. I have long-sleeved, short-sleeved and medium-sleeved cardigans. I have pink, purple, blue, green, and navy cardigans. I probably have all these cardigans in more than one shade. When I had my birthday this year my coworkers in the two babies' rooms bought me a cardigan. This was an extra special one because they were the first to notice my cardigan fixation.
I've flirted with hoodies, blazers and bunchy jumpers but they're not quite me. If you see me in one of these items however, give me a high-5. It's time I broadened my horizons. The actual truth is that when it comes to clothes I'm a creature of habit. Expect to see more trench coats and more cardigans. There will always be more of these classic items to catch my eye. Also, the great thing about cardigans is, when I'm a little, old lady rocking in her chair, cardigans will still be perfectly me and absolutely right.
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